Acino featured in ‘Future of Pharmaceuticals’

As featured in Raconteur, distributed in The Times
As featured in Raconteur, distributed in The Times

Under the headline ‘Acino and Quay steer new course for contract development and manufacturing.’ our Contract Manufacturing team recently spoke to Raconteur Magazine from The Times newspaper about how we are playing a leading role in the development and future of the pharma industry.

The article is based on the recently announced partnership with Quay Pharma and how both companies are positioned to drive this industry move for the benefit of patients and businesses alike.

As the era of blockbuster drugs comes to an end, pharma is moving towards drugs that are increasingly complex and made for small patient populations, creating opportunities and challenges for contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs).

Read the online magazine here.

For more information on our Contract Manufacturing capabilities, please contact Felix Faupel, Head of Contract Manufacturing Acino.