From Junior to Leader: Patrick Frey’s rapid ascent at Acino

Patrick Frey rose within just six years from a junior position in Out-Licensing to Head of B2B at Acino. Here he talks about the changes that equally pose many opportunities for career progression, and what sets Acino apart from other pharma companies.

Q: Patrick, I understand your job at Acino is your very first after graduating with a Masters in Chemistry and Business Studies in 2018. What attracted you to Acino in the first place? 
A: My first interactions with Acino were on LinkedIn, when I found an interesting open position. I was highly interested in the different areas we are active and was attracted by how Acino presents itself as a growing and dynamic company. During the interviews, I received great insight into the organisation and what working for Acino means and was convinced I wanted to become a part of the team.

Q: What were the key factors behind your career advancement at Acino? 
A: Circumstances certainly played a part. When I started, my department went through some restructuring and I was next in line, so to speak. We are a smaller organisation, so the lines of succession are shorter. But you must want to take on the challenge. And I did! What’s more, when an internal promotion becomes available, Acino gives its employees a fair chance. The predominantly young environment makes it possible for employees to advance their careers at an early stage of their lives and gain invaluable experience.


“Access to Senior Management is truly unique.”

Q: What do you think makes Acino different? Acino from the bigger pharma organisations?
A: At Acino, we have direct access to the CEO and Senior Management, whenever we need to. This is truly unique. We have an open-door policy and live a very personal culture with flat hierarchies. For the past few years, I’ve been reporting to several members of the Executive committee and Global Leadership Team, which has helped me constantly to learn from them, grow and prepare myself for my current role.

Q: Any advice you would give to future employees of Acino?
A: If you like a truly dynamic, entrepreneurial organisation, are willing to learn on the job and can easily adapt to changes: Acino is the company for you.  Changes can equally present opportunities, and it’s all about how you master them.