Finding his path: Anton Medvedev’s journey in Sales and Marketing

In 2015, Anton Medvedev, Business Unit Head at Acino Ukraine, joined the Pharma Start production plant in Kyiv as Product Manager, embarking on a journey that would take him to yet unknown places. Soon after his arrival, the plant was acquired by Acino that sent Anton on a move on his career path. This is his story.

Anton, you joined Pharma Start, now Acino, during a time of change. What drove you to stay and build your career here? 

“When I first joined, I was attracted by the ambitious vision of Acino and later also the energy of Eugene Zaika, our Head of Ukraine and CIS,” Anton reflects. “Eugene’s passion for transforming a local company into a European powerhouse in Ukraine was contagious. He is the kind of leader who inspires you to go the extra mile, to dream big and to work hard. Over the past nine years, I have grown tremendously, not just professionally but personally, thanks to his guidance and the incredible team I have been privileged to work with. To see Acino Ukraine become recognised as the best employer among pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine fills me with pride and is a testament to the hard work, we have all put in. But what truly sets Acino apart is how we care for our people, in both good and bad times. That is what makes all the difference to me”

Can you share more about your role today? 

“As Business Unit Head, I lead a team of nearly 170 people across sales and marketing. Together, we ensure that 30 brands in five therapeutic areas—endocrinology, cardiology, gastroenterology, anesthesiology and general therapy—reach healthcare professionals and patients who need them. It is a huge task, but I believe our large team is our strength. We have built strong, lasting relationships with doctors, making sure we are present and truly supportive of their work. I am extremely proud of what we have achieved, especially given the challenges we have faced in the past years. Even in the toughest times, our commitment to keeping the business running has never wavered.”

Why is Acino the right place for you? 

“Each new role brought its own set of challenges, even though I have always been within sales and marketing. With every promotion, I had to tackle new therapeutic areas, learn to lead teams and take on more responsibility. It forced me out of my comfort zone, pushing me to think creatively and adapt quickly. What I love about Acino is that it is never the same day twice. There is always a new challenge, a new product or a new role waiting for you around the corner. It is a place where you are continually learning and evolving, and that is where I thrive.”

What’s your secret to success? 

“You must have a hunger for learning and a willingness to adapt if you want to grow. For me, Acino is a place where I can dive into exciting projects, learn from my mistakes and start again with even more determination. Every day is a chance to learn something new, and that is what keeps me motivated. I believe in Acino’s core philosophy—success is about the results.”